Beautiful Red

Our journey to adopt Xiu Dan from Zhangshuo, Jiangxi Province, China.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Answers for Mrs. Hall's class

Dear Pak,

How are you doing?
I've been a little sick, but I'm having a good time.

How much fun are you having? (Josh)
Very good time.

Did you write on the sidewalk? (Ben)
No. But some other people did.

What have you done fun? (Kayla) 
The paddleboat!

What is the date you get to meet your baby sister? (Chloe)
May 9.

Do black caimans live in China's rainforests? Have you seen the rainforest yet? (Trevor)
I don't know, but we haven't seen the rainforest. 

What is your favorite food so far? (Mrs.H)
Hot and sour soup.

We think this picture is very curious! Please tell us about the instrument they use to do this type of writing. Is it on the sidewalk? Does it wash off later or is it permanent?
The instrument is like a big paintbrush. It is not permanent -- the man dips his brush into a can of water and paints on the sidewalk. As the water dries, the characters disappear. It's very cool! Please send more questions!

Mrs. Hall's Class 


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