Beautiful Red

Our journey to adopt Xiu Dan from Zhangshuo, Jiangxi Province, China.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The apex

The apex
Originally uploaded by John McCollum.
Well, it's mother's day, our last day in Nanchang. All along, we've wanted to ride Jiangxi Province's newest attraction -- the world's largest ferris wheel. At more than 50 stories, this sucker is huge. Driving to the "Star of Nanchang," it doesn't look so big until you realize you've been driving towards it for 5 minutes, and you still haven't gotten that much closer.

Up close, it's pretty impressive. Apparently three other cities in China are in the process of building even bigger ones. I can hardly imagine that.

It took about 30 minutes to make one full revolution. Chien was a bit nervous, but we all got through it well. 50 stories. That's one big ferris wheel.


  • At 5/14/2006 04:05:00 PM, Blogger John said…

    Hi Kori, John, and kids! We have been reading daily and have lived again vicariously beginning to mother a daughter after two boys! Tell Chien I sympathized with his reaction totally to that big monster ferris wheel. We are so looking forward to seeing your family back here. Thanks for all of the "up close and personal" perspectives on China. John and Bobbi

  • At 5/15/2006 06:39:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Pak & Chien,

    We think you are the bravest boys anywhere! The children could not believe it would equal 25 of our school buildings stacked on top of each other!

    Have a great day!
    Mrs. Hall's Class


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